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In many Europeans countries, a second language is introduced in primary school and a third language, in middle school. International job applicants who are proficient in at least two languages will be at a distinct advantage in the global market. When you know French, you can be a part of communications and transactions occurring daily in French on every continent.
Knowledge of a second language is essential over 60 occupations. Canada, officially bilingual, is our most important trading partners and requires labeling in English and French on all imported products. More than 1,200 French companies have subsidiaries in the U.S., and France is the largest recipient of U.S. foreign investments. France is a world leader in the development of a modern telecommunications, a market with explosive growth potential. The European Union, the second largest trading bloc in the world, recognizes French as an official language. Think about the many opportunities with the airlines, import-export companies, and other international businesses. French is also a very useful language if you are thinking of working at the United Nations (where French is the second most widely used language) or for the United States Government in the Foreign Service. Here in the United States, when you know French you could 
become a French teacher, an interpreter or a translator.
French is the first or second language in more 40 countries and is spoken by 125 million people around the world, on every continent. Because French is a foreign language of choice for so many people in the world, knowing French will also increase your chances of communicating in a non-English-speaking country. You can use French to develop international friendships, as well as to communicate via internet.
French is always an official language to announce events, winners, and medals at the Olympic Games, including the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. If you live near the Quebec border, you can also follow hockey and baseball games in French. Automobiles races (Le Mans and Monte Carlo), horse racing (Longchamp), tennis tournaments (French Open), and the Tour de France (long distance bicycle race) engage fans all around the globe. When you know French, the international world of sports is open to you.
From 40 to 50% of English vocabulary comes from French. The study of French will also     enhance your grammar skills, and your increased proficiency in English will greatly improve your scores on the verbal section, of the SAT and the ACT. As you develop greater skills in French, you also sharpen your skills in English.
It will also increase your problem-solving skills and improve your memory, self-discipline and self-esteem. Because progress is very easy to measure, you can quickly take pride in your new abilities. Knowing French can help you attain a number of important life skills.
In many scientific fields at the graduate level, most American institutions require a reading knowledge of French or German in order for scholars to be able to conduct research. France continues to be a leader and innovator in science and technology. Civil engineering (the tunnel between England and France and the TGV-the world's faster train), space/aeronautics (the Concorde, a Franco-British enterprise, and the Ariane Rocket, a Franco-European initiative), medical technologies (the isolation of the HIV virus), and telecommunications (the Minitel with more than 20,000 on-line services and micro-chip telephone cards) are just a few areas in which the French are leaders. Knowing French can open the doors to graduate school and to important research.
France is the most visited destination in the world with 76 million tourists in 2001. Paris was named by Fortune Magazine as one of the top ten "global cities". When you speak French, you can be an educated tourist, ask for directions, get your own hotel room or tell a French friend about the United States.
As you quickly realize when you look at the foreign film section of your local video store, France is one of the most prolific producers of international films. The Cannes International Film Festival annually attracts the attention of the world when the best films, directors and actors are named. When you understand French, you don't have to rely on subtitles to enjoy a French film.
People around the world are familiar with "Les Misérables", "The Three Musketeers", "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", "The Little Prince", and "The Stranger". In fact, France has won more Nobel Prizes for literature than any other country. The French are also admired for their great philosophers, such as Descartes and Pascal, Rousseau, Voltaire, Camus, and Sartre. When you read French, you can enjoy these works and authors in the original.


French vocabulary

Silence. - Silence.
Sit down. - Asseyez-vous.
Get up - Lève-toi/Levez-vous.
Raise your hand. - Levez la main.
Begin. - Commencez
Come in. - Entrez
That's incredible! - C'est incroyable!
Close the door. - Fermez la porte.
Open the window. - Ouvrez la fenêtre.
Everyone. - Tout le monde.
Are you ready? - Êtes-vous prêts?
Quiet. - Taisez-vous.

Questions and expressions to learn french

1.        Comment t’appelles-tu?

2.        Quel âge as–tu?

3.        As-tu des frères ou des soeurs?

4.       Où habites-tu? (J’habite…)

5.        Est-ce que tu habites à Canada ?

6.        Est-ce que tu habites dans un appartement?

7.     As-tu des animaux à la maison? Donne détails.

8.         Aimes-tu le sport?

9.         Aimes-tu la musique “Rock”?

10.       Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?

11.        Quelle est la date aujourd’hui?

12.        Quelle heure est-il?

13.       À quelle heure arrives-tu á écôle?

14.    Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?

15.     Comment s’appelle ton écôle? (Il …..)

16.    Il y a combien de chambres dans ta maison?

17.     Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans ta chambre ?

18.     Quel jour préfères-tu à l’école?


14 Reasons lead you to learn French

1- France is the world's top tourist destination (60 million tourists yearly).

2-France is in fourth position in terms of world power and it does not have the debt facing many other major industrialized nations. (A positive sign for joint projects, business and scientific cooperation.)

3-France has the fourth largest economy in the world after the USA, Japan and Germany.
4-France is the fourth largest producers of automobiles in the world (Renault, Peugeot, Citroën) and the third largest exporter of automobiles.
The French export more per capita than the Japanese and more than twice as much as the Americans. Overall, France is the fourth largest exporting nation of the world.
5-France offers a range of generous scholarships to our graduate students and teachers.
6-France has the world's greatest number of Nobel Prize winners in literature (12).

7-French trade with Canada was very high in the last decade.
A good knowledge of French enables you to fully enjoy, at the theatre or on TV, the some of the best films in the world.

8-Learning French can help you improve the interpersonal skills you bring to an international career in computer technology, pharmaceuticals or engineering.
You can do so many more interesting things on the Internet if you speak French (high quality sites from fashion to finance, society to science, music to medicine).
For those with appropriate French skills, there are also possibilities for work in the following fields: international business, international agencies, the tourism and hospitality business, the diplomatic service, the post office, the RCMP, French research institutes, teaching, translation, interpreter, government.

9-More than 8 million Canadians speak French. 

10-More than 50,000 people in Saskatchewan speak French.

11-Other than English, French is the only language widely spoken on all continents and the eleventh most widely-spoken language in the world.
Learning a second language has been shown to have a positive impact on intellectual growth.  In fact, studies suggest learning a second language can enhance cognitive and intellectual abilities.

12-Over 150,000 Canadian students attend French-first-language schools outside Quebec, 320,000 are in French immersion, and more than 2 million Canadian students are enrolled in core French.

13-The number of schools offering French Immersion has increased from 237 in 1977 to 2,115 schools across Canada today, including every province and territory.

14-Learning a second language enhances problem solving and hypothesis-testing skills - the same skills used in math and science.


Questions and expressions to learn french language

These are some common phrases used in the French language

How do you say ... in French ? - Comment dit-on ... en français?

How do you pronounce (write, spell)...? - Comment est-ce qu'on prononce (écrit, épelle)...?

I can't see (hear). - Je ne vois pas, je n'entends pas.

I don't have a book (pen, scribbler). - Je n'ai pas de livre (stylo, cahier).

I don't know. - Je ne sais pas.

I don't understand. - Je ne comprends pas.

May I ... - Est-ce que je peux...
*          borrow a pen (a pencil)? emprunter un stylo (un crayon)?
have a drink of water? - boire de l'eau?
erase the board? - effacer le tableau?
return to my classroom to ___? - retourner à ma salle de classe pour ___?

May I go to the washroom? - Puis-je aller aux toilettes? / Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?

May I sharpen my pencil? - Puis-je tailler mon crayon? / Est-ce que je peux tailler mon crayon?

Pardon? - Pardon?

Excuse me. - Excusez-moi.

Please. - S'il te/vous plaît.

What does ... mean? - Que veut dire...?

I'm finished./ I'm not finished. - J'ai fini./ Je n'ai pas fini.

Thank-you. - Merci.

I need a pencil (an eraser). - J'ai besoin d'un crayon (d'une gomme à effacer).

I don’t understand.. - Je ne comprends pas.

I understand.    Je comprends

Here is my work - Voici mon travail.

Good-bye! - Au revoir! / Salut!

Okay. - D'accord.

It's easy./ It's difficult. - C'est facile./ C'est difficile.

When is the test? - C'est quand le test?

Why? - Pourquoi?

Where is ___? - Où est____?

Very good. - Très bien.

Explain that, please. - Expliquez ça, s'il vous plait.

Repeat that, please. - Répétez s'il vous plaît.

What are we doing today? - Qu'est-ce qu'on fait aujourd'hui?

Can we play a game of ? - Est-ce qu'on peut jouer _?

Can we sing a song? - Peut-on chanter une chanson?

When is the next French class? - C'est quand le prochain cours de français?

I can't find my French book. - Je ne trouve pas mon livre de français.

Where do I put this? - Où est-ce que je mets ça?

Do you want to play with me? Voulez vous jouer avec moi?                       

Put your things away. - Range tes/Rangez vos affaires.

When is it? Quand ect-il?

Are we doing some activities? - Est-ce qu'on fait des activités?

I have to go. - Je dois partir.

How much is it? – Combien est-il?

Who is it? - Qui est-il?

What is it? - Qu'est-ce que c'est?

Hello - Bonjour (Allô)  Salut

You're welcome. - De rien./Bienvenue

Pay attention. - Fais/Faites attention

More reasons to learn French

More reasons to learn French:

French is the second most influential language in the world. It is one of the official languages of the International Red Cross, of the International Olympic Committee and of the United Nations, as well as many other international organizations. It is a language of diplomacy.

There are 56 member countries in
La Francophonie, and 14 observer countries, where French is an official or common language.

There are 79 million native speakers of French, and 190 million secondary speakers of French.

French is the second most commonly taught language in the world, after English. It is therefore frequently the lingua franca in international travel and business.

It is the second most commonly used language on the internet.

You want to learn french language to ?

tell us why you want to learn french language :) 
1. You have to, as mandated by every Canadian provincial Dept of Education.

2. You love to, or want to, travel.

3. You want to learn the language of love and romance.

4. You appreciate “haute cuisine” (fine food).

5. You want to live in or study in a French-speaking city or country.



Knowing French will allow you compete effectively in the global economy.
In many other countries, second and third languages are learned in primary and middle school.  International job applicants will be at a distinct advantage with multiple language proficiencies.

Speaking French will increase your job opportunities and salary potential.
More than 1,200 French companies have subsidiaries in the U.S.  As French is an official language of the European Union, many job opportunities are available to those who speak French, especially for those who plan to work in Foreign Service.

Studying French increases your appreciation of other people and their cultures.
French is the first or second language in more than 40 countries.  Knowing French increases your chances of communicating with non-English-speaking people.

French opens up an entire world of sporting events to enthusiasts.
French is always an official language used for the announcements at the Olympic Games.  Automobile races (Le Mans and Monte Carlo), tennis tournaments (French Open at the Roland Garros Stadium), and the Tour de France all take place in France.

Why you have Learn French?

 actually ther are a lot of reason to learn french language and Here are some reasons That make you learn french language :

   French is the official language of postal services across the world.

 It’s an intellectual exercise for the brain, a challenge, we are given certain capacities and we were given those capacities to use! 

   Learning French is also a discipline, you learn grammar, structure, vocabulary, and you also learn humor and so much more about another culture.

  Today’s students have been, either in reality or virtually around the world and languages, including French, are not going to disappear.

 Learning French helps you to understand other people and their culture.  The word “to eat” in Chinese really means “to eat rice”, in English we say, “to break bread”…a view into a whole different culture, geography and economy

 Language is about discovering a new world, and that new world will certainly be one where ideas, knowledge and communication will be the currency.  Learning another language is like giving a gold deposit to your child, but without the risk. 

Statistics show that students of foreign languages score higher on standardized tests conducted in English. 

    French is the official language of 33 countries in the world. French is spoken in two of the G7 countries.

     French is the mother tongue of 75 million people.

    Learning French can help you learn other languages like Spanish.

     200 million people around the world understand, speak, read or write French.

Along with English, French is the official working language of the United Nations, UNESCO, NATO, CUSO, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the International Monetary Fund, the International Labour Bureau, and the International Olympic Committee.

  French-speaking Africa represents an area larger than the USA.

      French is the most widely taught second language after English. 
  Over 20,000 English words have their origins in French, so learning French helps you to increase your English vocabulary.
         In terms of the number of words, French is the second largest language after English.

7 Things Your Software to Learn French Must Have

Thank goodness for software to learn French! Not so long ago we had a choice of either dusty books or boring "listen-and-repeat" tapes. Now we have a revolution in learning that makes getting to grips with the French language a hundred times faster and much more fun!
But with so many choices, how do we know which software to learn French is best?
1. Can you try it first?
With a lot of software you can get a free sample to try. At least a couple of the French language programs offer the same. If you can get some free French lessons it will help you decide whether the package is for you. Even if you don't particularly like it, you got a few French lessons for nothing!
2. Is it interactive?
Now that may seem like a silly question. Surely all French language software is interactive. Sadly not. Some are just re-formatted versions of the old "listen-and-repeat" tapes that have been around for years. Beware cheap French language software, it's probably of little value.

How to Learn French Online?

The popularity of French is increasing, and interestingly French is an official language in many international organisations including United Nations and International Olympic Committee. Therefore it is highly beneficial to learn French.
When searching best solution on how to learn French online, I recommend you select a learning system which is comprehensive and easy to follow. Fastest way to learn a new language is to have fun! Some courses include funny exercises and activities, which will keep the studying process enjoyable. As we all know, it is vital to learn how to read, write and speak French, and your online study course should cover all these points.
Did you know that you can talk French by only knowing some 500 basic words and it will not take long to learn them? Only focus on the most important words and do not even try to learn everything. You will be amazed about how easy it is to learn French when you only focus on learning the most important words. Likewise, try to learn and memorize the most commonly used phrases. This will keep you on the right path of learning French online and you will avoid the temptation of trying to learn too much.
To give additional boost to your learning you can go to online communities and forums and find French speaking people or other English speaking people who want to learn French. This is very exciting and a great way to make new friends. You can also find some chat rooms and start to speak and exchange emails with French speaking people.
Once you have learned the basic French, you can start to visit some French language websites or maybe sign up to some French news. Also download a free program called skype and use it to find a people who are also learning French online.
As we all know learning a new language requires some time and effort, so keep your self motivated all the time. Some people use a learning diary to document everything about their learning process. That way you get a change to always evaluate which points you would like to improve in your learning. Now you know how to learn French online and the next step is just to put this knowledge into action.

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The Advantages of Learning French in France

There are many advantages of learning French in France, although the most valuable is that you will learn French with a genuine French accent and with all the French colloquialisms that confuse so many people.
In order to speak French like the French do, it makes sense to learn in France, and while there are many excellent French language courses in the USA, Canada the UK and elsewhere, it is essential that if you want to speak the language as it is spoken in France, then you will have a definite advantage if you go to France to learn it.


Why Learn French - 5 Good Reasons to Learn the French Language

Why learn French when there is such a variety of foreign languages to choose from? While being able to speak any foreign language has its obvious advantages like the ability to travel to more countries and communicate with more people, knowing the French language has its own benefits. So why learn French? Here are 5 excellent reasons that should motivate you to study it.
Why learn French: number of French speakers in the world
It is not just in France and in Quebec that the French language is used: it is the official language of 32 countries spread over all 5 continents and is also spoken as a second language in many more places. There are 70 member countries of the International Organization of La Francophonie and 200 million French speakers all over the planet. This is largely due to the fact that France has been one of the main colonizing nations throughout history and a lot of foreign nations kept French as their main language after gaining their own independence back. Examples of French speaking countries, besides the obvious ones, are Haiti, French Guyana and many African countries such as Chad, Madagascar and Niger. In addition, this language is also used as one of several languages in some European countries such as Belgium and Switzerland. Even in the U.S. Cajun French, a derivative of the French language, is still spoken in some parts of Louisiana.

Learn - How to Speak French Online

Looking for a 'Learn French' language course? Now you can learn how to speak French online without the need for hugely expensive tutored courses. Here's how.
When the power of modern technology is applied to online language learning the learner of French gains a huge advantage. Now you don't need to attend a French language school at great cost, or even employ a personal tutor. With the combination of the Internet for deliverability, the invention of the CD to deliver the necessary audio aspect of learning French, and a little time and effort, you can become very good at this wonderful language even if you didn't know a word of it before.
These days you can easily learn French in the car on the way to work, listen to your French language CD while you relax with a coffee, or chill out in the evening with a glass of wine for a longer session. This is the next best thing to having a native French speaker spend amounts of time with you -- you no longer need to study French language courses in France, for example, in order to learn the language.

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